What this website took

It has been no easy task for me to put this website together. First off, let’s be honest, I’m a photographer, not a graphic designer. It has taken me a while to be ok with that. So putting all this pressure on myself to make the best, nicest website you might ever visit really didn’t help motivate. It only scared me more and made it harder and harder to motivate myself. When I realized I wasn’t going to be impressing anyone with fancy design tricks, and that really the point of this website was to be a platform to display two decades of work as a photographer, it became a LITTLE easier. The easy part of that being that I really am very proud of the work I have done to hone my craft, the many clients that have trusted me to capture their life moments, and the countless photographs I’ve taken that, despite my inner perfectionist, I can actually say I really love and am moved by. Now, back to the hard part and where that inner perfectionist really came in to play… Over my career I have taken literally millions of photographs and the idea of narrowing that down to the 30 or 40 images folks say is an appropriate number to go on a website that is meant to exemplify the wide variety of things I’ve done, and the even wider creative vision I have, has send me into countless spirals of panic and worry that I won’t get it right. Soooo I made a choice… like the rest of my life, I said screw what other people say I SHOULD do. I decided to put hundreds of my favorite photos up for display, and even that I’m not sure gives a good enough picture of what I’m capable of. I know very few people will ever look at all of the photos in all my galleries or read all the blog posts I plan to write about upcoming and past projects I am excited about. But more importantly, if I don’t have something out there, I realize absolutely nobody can see anything I’ve done and that is an even worse approach to trying to grow my business. So here I am with an imperfect site with too many photos that has taken me waaay too long to finish building, and that I’m sure will go through countless revisions... and you know what? I am THRILLED! I am so truly so excited to have something to show and share what I am by far the most proud of in my life.

Also a really big thank you, whoever you are. Thanks to those who have pushed, pulled, and sometimes carried me along the way, whether by reminding me of my talents with kind words or encouraging me to continue the challenging work of building this site and putting myself out there or visiting my site, for reading this, for looking at my images and in general taking even just a few minutes out of your life to share in mine. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!